If you come across a transaction in your account that seems unfamiliar initially, one of the following scenarios may apply to you:
The transaction was made with my consent
Sometimes, it's entirely human to forget a transaction we've made. To check if a transaction was intentionally initiated by you, use the CORE SCAN explorer. Take a close look to see if you recognize details such as:
- Date and time
- Recipient address
- The value sent
The transaction was not authorized by me
If you don't recognize the transaction as your own, you may have fallen into the hands of hackers/scammers. Follow these tips:
1. Create a new account, and if all your tokens haven't been transferred yet, try sending them to your new account. Remember to store your new seed phrase securely! Don't share it with anyone; we recommend saving it through the Cloud.
2. Scan your device to check if it is infected with any viruses and clean your mobile.
"Secure your mobile with antivirus and anti-malware"
3. Report the hacker/scammer:
- United States: FBI's IC3 service.
- European Union: Europol portal (redirects to your chosen country).
- United Kingdom: Action Fraud.
- Philippines: CICC form.
- Brazil: This varies by state. You may need to contact your state's specialized cybercrime unit, potentially in person.
- Indonesia: Directorate of Cyber Crime (Patroli Siber).
⚠ Important Note: Unfortunately, transactions cannot be reversed, and funds cannot be restored. Core Dao/Element operates as a self-custodial wallet, meaning we cannot control access to user accounts or intervene to recover your account or funds on your behalf.